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Hallo zusammen,

wollte mal nachfragen ob hier jemand bereits  Cuben/Dyneema mit Permethrin imprägniert hat.

Bin nämlich am überlegen mir ein Cuben Groundsheet als Schutz vor Zecken zu holen und würde dafür gerne auf ein Inner/Bivy verzichten.

(PS: Das soll kein Faden über Zecken werden, sondern nur über Permethrin und Cuben)

Die Frage ist nur, wie lange die Imprägnierung auf feuchten Böden hält?

Laut der Sawyer Seite ist dies ja möglich:

Cuben Fiber is a high tech laminated material. The top layer is polyester which permetherin will bond to; however, permethrin will not bond to the inner layers of Cuben Fiber. Therefore, permethrin cannot be applied to Cuben Fiber the same way it is applied to other fibers. It will (depending on the size of the material) probably take a few “wettings” to get the necessary 3 ounces dose of permetherin onto the fabric.

To apply permethrin correctly use this process spray the object, let it dry, spray again, let it dry, and spray again. If unabsorbed permethrin drips off the Cuben Fiber catch the drippings and reuse the permethrin. Apply as evenly as possible to the Cuben Fiber until the 3 ounce application is fully absorbed.


Bearbeitet von kaik411

Antwort von Zpacks auf die selbe Frage:

Thank you for checking in.  Some hikers here in the shop have treated their tents with Permethrin but didn't notice much of a difference.  It didn't cause any damage, but DCF (formerly known as Cuben) doesn't absorb moisture so it more than likely washed off in the first rain.
It would probably stick to the Ventum material used for our Sleeping Bags, the Vertice material used for rain gear and the polyester laminate on the exterior of our Hybrid DCF.
As we can only share our personal experiences, we can not officially say that it will not cause any damage, so applying the chemical will be done at your own risk.


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