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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

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Patagonia hat nen interessanten aber nicht ultra leichten hybrid aus schlafsack und topbag:


OT: Die Übersetzungen bei dem Lanshan 2 sind schon saugeil: 'Struktur: Ein Schlafzimmer u. ein Wohnzimmer'. Und das alles für 1155g :-D:-D:-D

Ein Lanshan 1 gibt es auch noch mit 845g (aus Produktbeschreibung)- wurde das hier schon mal vorgestellt? Ich verliere den Überblick bei den ganzen China-Klonen.


Merrell hat jetzt den Trail Glove 4 und den Vapor Glove 3 im Verkauf. Beim Vapor Glove 3 ist die schnell abnutzende Kante jetzt verstärkt.

vor 1 Stunde schrieb bansaim:

Merrell hat jetzt den Trail Glove 4 und den Vapor Glove 3 im Verkauf. Beim Vapor Glove 3 ist die schnell abnutzende Kante jetzt verstärkt.

Gibt es die auch irgendwo hierzulande zu kaufen oder muss man die importieren?

vor 2 Stunden schrieb swift:

Gibt es die auch irgendwo hierzulande zu kaufen oder muss man die importieren?

Stimmt - gibts in DE noch gar nicht. Die Schuhe sind erst seit ein paar Tagen online, ich bin mir sicher in den nächsten Wochen werden die deutschen Shops sie auch anbieten. 


Hello everyone!

My name is Kajo and I am a co-founder of a new EU based (Slovenia) UL cottage gear maker - GramXpert, which just started to sell custom UL gear. I really like this site, especially the MYOG section, because is more technical than other UL forums. I got much inspiration from you, so I published the announcement here first:-)

You are welcome to take a look at our website:


Currently we are mostly making quilts but we also plan to produce packs (summer/autumn), shelters (probably next year) and other accessories.

Also in few months we will open a small UL specialized MYOG shop, with some very interesting items to complement other EU based shops.

Current production time is 3-6 days

We offer free worldwide shipping on all our items

Until the end of june you can buy our items with up to 10% discount and get free gift with all purchases over 100€. Additionally we offer 5% discount for all UL forum members Code: ULforums2017 (this code is valid till the end of 2017 and discounts do stack up :))





vor 16 Minuten schrieb kamov:

Hello everyone!


As you guys are new on the market there are no reviews from buyers/users on Youtube yet, however personally I really would like to see a quilt (or pack, or tent) "in action" before I order it (as I can not go into a shop and try it there) 

Maybe you could make a few simple videos just showing off the features of your quilts and other products.

Site looks good and I really appreciate all the Info you provide (weight at different apex fillings, widths, etc.) Hope this takes off! we need more European UL Manufacturers! 

vor 3 Minuten schrieb Gonathras:

As you guys are new on the market there are no reviews from buyers/users on Youtube yet, however personally I really would like to see a quilt (or pack, or tent) "in action" before I order it (as I can not go into a shop and try it there) 

Maybe you could make a few simple videos just showing off the features of your quilts and other products.

Site looks good and I really appreciate all the Info you provide (weight at different apex fillings, widths, etc.) Hope this takes off! we need more European UL Manufacturers! 

Thanks for your wishes! Yes we are completely new, videos and some more closeup photos are planned, but unfortunately at the moment we have so much to do with bureaucracy...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 31 Minuten schrieb kamov:

Thanks for your wishes! Yes we are completely new, videos and some more closeup photos are planned, but unfortunately at the moment we have so much to do with bureaucracy...

Maybe you could think of sending your product(s) free of charge to selected UL-bloggers in order to get them tested and reviewed.

@FrankyX from your forum for example is running an interesting UL-blog: http://outdoor-optimum.de 

There are others too - we had a thread here about german UL-blogs some tim e ago, but I can not find it right now… (the search function is not helping me either… :-( )

Bearbeitet von eric

Nice. You definitely have to work on your website and your photos.

The quilts seem to be pretty nice. Taking the price into account, there will for sure be someone who will buy one of your quilts and maybe also writing a review in the next few weeks.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Mont-Bell kündigt an, das Gewicht seiner Regenklamotten drastisch zu reduzieren - durch neue Schnittmuster, die die Nahtlänge minimieren:

"This year, our presentation will focus on our uniquely-developed, innovative 'sewing patterns' applied upon our rain jackets and backpacks. These new patterns drastically reduce the seam length, allowing us to achieve the maximum water resistance and to further cut down the weight of products."

Soll auf der Outdoor vorgestellt werden.

(Decathlon hat auch letztlich auf neue Schnittmuster mit weniger Nähten gesetzt - allerdings nicht um Gewicht zu reduzieren, sondern den Preis.)

Bearbeitet von nats

Take what you need and leave the rest.



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