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Ultraleicht Trekking

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Hey everyone,  

I am planning a multi-day trek soon and want to lighten my pack as much as possible. I have been reading up on ultralight gear but I am still unsure about a few things & want advice from experienced hikers here. 

1. Backpacks – What is a solid ultralight pack that does not sacrifice too much comfort? I have seen some frameless ones but are they really worth it for longer hikes?  
2. Sleeping System – I am torn between a lightweight quilt and a sleeping bag. Which one keeps you warm without adding unnecessary weight?  
3. Cooking Setup – Is a DIY alcohol stove still the go-to for ultralight trekkers or are there better options now?  
4. Rain Protection – Do you guys prefer ponchos or ultralight rain jackets?  

I was searching for gear suggestion but I would rather hear real-world experiences from fellow trekkers. Any tips or suggestions would be  appreciated! 

Thank you...:)


Hi @jksmith!

Point 3: Jes, there are realy good Options, to buy, like the X-Boil.

Its an Alkohol Stove, very light, and there are different Sizes, compared to the Diameter if your Cooking Pot.

Point 2: It depends, when and where you want to go. In 10 Degree below Zero, I think I would prefere a Sleepingbag. But from around Zero, up to thirty Degrees, ore more, I definitly would take a Quilt. It’s much more compfortably! It is warm enough, you have the Possibility to stretch your Foot out, and it’s lighter. I prefer Down Quilts, 'cause they are lighter and pack smaler!

Point 1: I don’t have any Frame Packs any more! There are different Points of view, in this Forum, but I have the Gossamer Gear G4-20, a 42 Liter Pack, and it’s absolutly compfortably. I tryed around 7 or 8 different Backpacks, in the last Years, but this one is one, that I like most. 
But you have to try it on your own, 'cause every Back is different! I recoment to buy Backpacks in Advance, used ones, so you can make a Dayhike with it, and sell it for the same Price, you payed for it, if you don’t like it. I can't recoment, to buy a Backpack and go for a multiple Week or Month, without testing it.

Backpack and Footware are the most important things, if you go Hikin'.

Point 4: It depends, where you want to go! A Poncho is a good Choice, if you are Hikking in the Woods, where is a lot of Windprotection. If you are Hikking in open Landscapes, with stormy Weather, it makes an unbeliveble Sound, if your Poncho is fluttering in the Wind for Hours!

But is the Forest in a steap mountainious  area, where you maybe have to klimb a bit, it’s important, to see, where you make your next Step, so in this case, I would prefer a Rainjacket!

For your Legs buy your self Rain Chaps and a Rainskirt! Rain Trousers are mostly to heavy!

In the DIY area of this Forum, you'l find a description, how to make a Rainskirt from a Garbagebag!

That works perfekt and Costs are nearly nothing!

But if you want more speciffic help, you have to describe your Plans better, like where to go and when!

I hope I helped you a bit. 

Happy Trails!



1.) I'd say a frameless pack will typically work for most people as long as you don't pack bricks. But it is helpful to compare what fits you between different framless and framed packs. If you have an outdoor/ ultralight store closeby, maybe pay them a visit. Also make sure to have the total weight and volume of your gear figured out before you shop around.

2.) As a quite active sleeper I sometimes struggle with drafts. I still use a quilt, but I wouldn't if I expected temperatures to drop to sub freezing for the majority of the trip.

3.) I am a cold soaker, so my knowledge isn't very indepth. If I bring cooking supplies it's typically only for coffee/ tea. Then I use 5g Esbit tabs. Very straight forward and lightweight. For cooking u'd need the larger tabs tho. As a sidenode: Whatever fuel you prefer, you might have to take restock options, flight restrictions and local laws into consideration.

4.) Rain jacket is my go to. Sometimes I'll bring an umbrella instead, but only in very mild weather and terrain.

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