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Ultraleicht Trekking

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Hello there,👋

I am planning a multi-week trek through the Alps this upcoming summer and am looking for advice on ultralight gear to keep my pack as light as possible without sacrificing too much comfort. The trek will cover a variety of terrain steep inclines; rocky paths; and some lower elevation forest trails. Since I will be out for about three weeks; I am particularly concerned with keeping my base weight low but still having reliable; durable gear.

I have done shorter ultralight trips before; but this will be my first long duration trek; and I am unsure what adjustments I might need to make for a journey of this length.

I am debating between a tent and a tarp system; but I am not sure which is more practical given the unpredictable Alpine weather. I have seen a lot of recommendations for quilts over sleeping bags for weight savings has anyone tried this on longer trips; especially in colder conditions?đŸ€”

Also, I have gone through this post; https://www.ultraleicht-trekking.com/forum/topic/108300-materialfrage-minitab-balaclava/ which definitely helped me out a lot.

I plan on doing some light cooking; and I am looking for a lightweight stove that is easy to carry and maintain over multiple weeks. I typically wear trail runners for shorter hikes; but I wonder if they are suitable for long days of walking in mixed terrain.

Thanks in advance for your help and assistance.😇


Hi @chrismartin.

3 weeks in the Alps is not what I would call a long journey and it's quite near to civilization. 

Take your proven gear for weekenders and just do it. Have a look at gear that is used for PCT hikes over on YouTube. You can use the same in the alps. Basic UL gear will do the trick.



The decision between a tent and a tarp really depends a lot on which setup you have already had experience with. There are certainly many people who would advise you to go for a tent because it offers more protection and comfort, especially in changeable weather in the Alps. I absolutely understand that. However, I've been traveling with a tarp for years, even on tours lasting several weeks in the Alps, and I've never had any problems with it, but it's a bit more work than with a tent to find a good place to camp (in the best case, reasonably sheltered from the wind. It's just important that you feel comfortable with the structure and flexibility of a tarp, or that you choose a tent for safety and comfort. For me, the 500 g less is worth it.

The situation is similar with quilts. I've only been using quilts for years, regardless of the altitude, the weather or the duration of my trips. They offer more freedom of movement and are lighter than sleeping bags. The real question is whether you prefer down or synthetic fiber. Down is lighter and warmer, but more difficult to handle, especially in damp weather. Synthetic fibers are more robust, but somewhat heavier.

Have you had any experience with tarps and quilts? If not, I would be cautious about trying them out for the first time on a three-week tour. It may be worth testing how you get on with it for a few nights beforehand. But if you already have experience, then a quilt and tarp could really be a great, ultralight solution!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Have a look for Nature Reservate parts, it's not allowd to camp everywhere and I really would not recommend it. Alex from bergreif.de did a tour a few years ago, it was Wien-Nizza, you will find useful tipps there. Or look for Stefan Berger on youtube.

For food: you will find lots of huts with fine food and lot of villages with little shops, maybe you'll think about carrying a kitchen.

The weather in the alps could change within half an hour, from thunderstorm and heavy snow in July to hot sun it can be anything in between. 

Bearbeitet von notenblog
  • 3 Wochen spĂ€ter...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Am 16.10.2024 um 11:36 schrieb chrismartin:

I am debating between a tent and a tarp system; but I am not sure which is more practical given the unpredictable Alpine weather. I have seen a lot of recommendations for quilts over sleeping bags for weight savings has anyone tried this on longer trips; especially in colder conditions?

Am 16.10.2024 um 15:48 schrieb notenblog:

Have a look for Nature Reservate parts, it's not allowd to camp everywhere and I really would not recommend it.

I would generally not recommend staying in a tent or similar, unless you stay in one region, where the rules stay the same. In Austria, Italy & France it depends on the local government, so do your research and/or ask the regional alpine club or hut owners. In Switzerland it's a bit easier. In general you're fine above the treeline, unless you are in a special nature protection area. Some hut owners will also allow you to camp near their hut. 

Overall it's a bit of mess and I would use caution as some of the fines are quite big. Also it's a lot easier to get up mountains if you're only carrying a sleeping bag for a hut instead of full setup.

Bearbeitet von Sastom


You can probably pick up the odd tip here, but as you have probably noticed by now, members will usually only reply in English sporadically or when a topic is more specific and hence limited than yours. Have you considered asking your questions in a UK-based forum? 

That said, I think @Martin @MaikGrosser @notenblog and @Sastom have issued responses worth reading.

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